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How to polish gold at home professionally

Gold is one of the most popular types of jewelry among women, due to its delicate appearance, and the difficulty of rusting it.

But sometimes, after a period of use, its color fades and becomes faded, so you have two options here.

Either you dispense with him to buy a new piece of him, and this matter if you follow him, I promise you to declare your bankruptcy at the end of the year.

Or you can follow the method of polishing gold at home that I will give you right away.


  • A bowl of warm water.
  • amount of bicarbonate of soda.
  • An amount of dishwashing liquid.
  • Baby brush.


1. Get a bowl of warm water.

Warning: Do not make the water cold or hot, it must be lukewarm ( the properties of gold require this ).

2. Add some baking soda and another dishwashing liquid.

Warning 1: Not only do not use soap to clean gold but when showering or washing hands, avoid contact with gold jewelry.

Warning 2: If you want to damage and change the color of your gold jewelry to faded colors, use chlorine!!

Chlorine is gold's number one enemy. You don't help off against them, even when you use chlorine to clean any other things.

Be compassionate with the pieces of gold attached to your hands and let them wait for you far away.

I'll remind you again, only dishwashing liquid with bicarbonate!!

3. Leave the gold piece in this mixture, for a suitable time, and do not leave it too much; Because the mixture contains a substance that can damage and eat gold ( bicarbonate of soda ).

4. Use a thin cleaning tool to clean the piece of gold, I believe that nothing is gentler than children's teeth.

So use a soft toothbrush to clean the folds and details of the gold piece.

Do not forget to dedicate it to cleaning, as the child did not come out of it to make you punish him like this.

5. Brush the gold piece gently and don't show off your abilities on it; so as not to get scratched.

6. Rinse it under running ( warm ) water, and make sure you get rid of the cleaning materials (especially bicarbonate).

7. Check it again to make sure that you have carried out the method of polishing gold at home correctly, and if the result does not satisfy you, repeat the previous process.

8. After making sure the gold is clean and shiny, use a clean, soft cloth to dry the gold from the water.

Warning: Do not use rags or tissue paper; Because that will expose the gold to scratching.

You can also omit this step, and leave it to air dry.

9. Wipe the gold piece with fine jewelry or glasses wipes; To make sure that there are no impurities or dust; Thus showing its luster.

This is the method of gold polishing at home, which should be repeated one to two times each year, depending on the condition of your jewelry.